Install ChatGPT for Excel add-in

Install from AppSource Marketplace

  1. Open link
  2. Click on "Get it now" button and follow the steps

Install in Excel on Windows

  1. Click FileGet Add-ins. You can directly install an add-in on the page or click More Add-ins to explore.

    Or you can also select Home > Add-ins >More Add-ins. 

  2. In the Office Add-ins dialog click Store tab and search for ChatGPT for Excel.

  3. Select the add-in and click Add. 
  4. Review the information and then click Continue to activate that add-in.

Install in Excel on Mac OS

  1. Click Insert > Get Add-ins.

    Alternatively, you can click Home > Add-ins.

  2. In the Office Add-ins dialog click Store tab and search for ChatGPT for Excel.

  1. Select the add-in and click Add. 
  2. Review the information and then click Continue to activate that add-in.
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