Function AI.FORMAT

The AI.FORMAT function converts a text to a specified format. Provide the text range and the desired format range. This function helps you standardize and structure your data efficiently.


  1. Formatting Unstructured Addresses:

=AI.FORMAT("123 main st, New York", "Address Format with state and zip code")

This can standardize various unstructured address formats into a consistent format, such as "123 Main St, New York, NY 10001".

  1. Normalizing Product Descriptions:

=AI.FORMAT("Our new smartphone offers cutting-edge features like a high-res camera and an extended battery life. Available in three colors.", "Product Description Format")

This reformats diverse product descriptions into a unified structure, such as title, features, and benefits, even if they are initially written in different styles and tones.


AI.FORMAT(value, format)
Argument name Description
value A reference to a cell containing data
format A reference to a cell or text describing the target format
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