Function AI.FORMAT

The AI.FORMAT function standardizes and restructures text based on the specified format. This AI-powered function is designed to handle inconsistent data, making it easier to clean, organize, and present information effectively.


  1. Formatting Unstructured Addresses:

=AI.FORMAT("123 main st, New York", "Address Format with state and zip code")

This can standardize various unstructured address formats into a consistent format, such as "123 Main St, New York, NY 10001".


AI.FORMAT(text, format)
Argument name Description
text (required) The input text or range of cells containing the text to be formatted.
format (required) The desired output format. This can specify case, structure, or style based on the use case (e.g., "Proper Case," "YYYY-MM-DD," "+1-XXX-XXX-XXXX").
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