The AI.EXTRACT function extracts specific types of data from a given text. Provide the text range and specify what data to extract.


  1. Extracting Emails from Text

=AI.EXTRACT("Please contact us at for further assistance.", "email addresses")

This extracts the email address from the given text.

  1. Extracting Keywords

=AI.EXTRACT("Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are rapidly growing.", "keywords")

This extracts relevant keywords from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Dates

=AI.EXTRACT("The event is scheduled for 25th December 2022.", "dates")

This extracts the date from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Phone Numbers

=AI.EXTRACT("You can reach me at (555) 123-4567 tomorrow.", "phone numbers")

This extracts the phone number from the given text.

  1. Extracting URLs

=AI.EXTRACT("Visit our website at for more information.", "URLs")

This extracts the URL from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Addresses:

=AI.EXTRACT("Send the package to 123 Main St, Springfield, IL 62701.", "postal addresses")

This extracts the postal address from the text.

  1. Extracting Prices

=AI.EXTRACT("The total cost is $199.99 including taxes.", "prices")

This extracts the price from the given text.


Argument name Description
text (required) The text or cell reference containing the data to analyze
type (required) The type of information to extract (e.g., "email", "phone number")
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