The AI.EXTRACT function extracts specific types of data from a given text. Provide the text range and specify what data to extract.


  1. Extracting Emails from Text

=AI.EXTRACT("Please contact us at for further assistance.", "email addresses")

This extracts the email address from the given text.

  1. Extracting Keywords

=AI.EXTRACT("Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are rapidly growing.", "keywords")

This extracts relevant keywords from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Dates

=AI.EXTRACT("The event is scheduled for 25th December 2022.", "dates")

This extracts the date from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Phone Numbers

=AI.EXTRACT("You can reach me at (555) 123-4567 tomorrow.", "phone numbers")

This extracts the phone number from the given text.

  1. Extracting URLs

=AI.EXTRACT("Visit our website at for more information.", "URLs")

This extracts the URL from the provided text.

  1. Extracting Addresses:

=AI.EXTRACT("Send the package to 123 Main St, Springfield, IL 62701.", "postal addresses")

This extracts the postal address from the text.

  1. Extracting Prices

=AI.EXTRACT("The total cost is $199.99 including taxes.", "prices")

This extracts the price from the given text.


Argument name Description
value A reference to a cell containing data
extract What to extract
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