Function AI.LIST

The AI.LIST function generates a list of items based on a prompt submitted to AI.


  1. Generating a List of US Presidents

=AI.LIST("List all US Presidents")

This prompt generates a factual list of all the U.S. Presidents.

  1. Creating a List of Elements in the Periodic Table

=AI.LIST("List the elements in the Periodic Table")

This generates a list of all elements in the Periodic Table.

  1. Listing the Nobel Prize Winners in Physics

=AI.LIST("List the Nobel Prize winners in Physics for the last 10 years")

This prompt generates a factual list of Nobel Prize winners in Physics for the past decade.

  1. Generating a List of Major World Capitals

=AI.LIST("List the capitals of major countries around the world")

This returns a list of capitals for major countries globally.

  1. Listing Top Universities in the World

=AI.LIST("List the top 10 universities in the world")

This prompt generates a factual list of the top 10 universities in the world.

  1. Creating a List of Major World Languages

=AI.LIST("List the major languages spoken worldwide")

This generates a list of major languages spoken around the world.

  1. Listing Countries with the Largest Economies

=AI.LIST("List the countries with the largest economies by GDP")

This returns a list of countries with the largest economies based on GDP.

  1. Creating a List of the Solar System’s Planets

=AI.LIST("List the planets in the Solar System")

This returns a list of all planets in our Solar System.


AI.LIST(prompt, [value], [temperature], [maxTokens], [model])
Argument name Description
prompt The prompt to submit.



The value to be added to the end of the prompt.



Controls the creativity of the response, with 0 being the most predictable and 2 being the most random. The default value is 0.



The maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the chat completion.



ID of the model to use. See the supported models page for details.
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