Function AI.TABLE

The AI.TABLE function lets you create a table with a specific dataset using AI's capabilities. Just provide a prompt and optionally include a header, source data, creativity level, and the desired AI model.


  1. Creating a Table of Smartphone Features

=AI.TABLE("Create a table listing the features of different smartphones including brand, model, camera quality, battery life.")

This prompt generates a table with columns for brand, model, camera quality, battery life for various smartphones.

  1. Generating a List of Top Tourist Destinations

=AI.TABLE("Generate a table of top 10 tourist destinations and include columns for country, popular attractions, best time to visit, and average cost.")

This creates a table listing the top 10 tourist destinations with corresponding details.

  1. Creating a Table for Comparative Analysis of Programming Languages

=AI.TABLE("Create a table comparing programming languages including columns for language name, paradigm, typical use cases, and learning difficulty.")

This generates a table comparing different programming languages based on various criteria.


AI.TABLE(prompt, [header],[source],[temperature],[model])
Argument name Description
prompt Instruction for AI to create a table



Range containing table header (columns)



Range containing source data used to create a table



Controls the creativity of the response, with 0 being the most predictable and 2 being the most random. The default value is 0.



ID of the model to use. See the supported models page for details.
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