Understanding your subscription

What is the Starter Plan?

Our Starter plan is crafted to offer you smooth experience without the necessity of your own OpenAI API key. The subscription cost for the Starter plan decomposed into:

  • AI Credit: Each month, subscribers receive $3 credited towards AI usage. This credit is specifically allocated for paying OpenAI (ChatGPT) usage fees. As a third-party service we integrate with, OpenAI charges us based on the amount of usage, for which you can find more details here. We handle these payments directly, ensuring you enjoy a hassle-free experience.
  • Service Fee: This covers the operational and service maintenance costs, allowing us to provide you with continuous, quality service.

Out of AI Credits?

No need to worry if you exceed your allotted AI credits. You can easily purchase additional AI credits to continue enjoying uninterrupted access to AI functions.

Why Do I Receive Less in AI Credits Than What I Paid?

Upon subscribing to "ChatGPT for Excel," it's important to understand the allocation of your payment. For instance, subscribing annually for $99 means $36 of that amount is directly converted into AI credits over the year (equivalent to $3 per month), and the remainder covers our service fee.

Starter vs. Pro Plan

Both our plans are tailored to fit different user needs, mainly distinguished by how OpenAI usage is billed:

  • Pro Plan: Suited for users with higher or variable ChatGPT usage levels, this plan requires you to have your own OpenAI account. This way, you're billed directly by OpenAI for your ChatGPT usage as per their pricing structure. This plan is ideal if you want direct control over your usage and billing with OpenAI.
  • Starter Plan: Perfect for users who prefer a hassle-free setup without the need for an OpenAI account. We manage the OpenAI payments for your ChatGPT usage within the AI credit limit provided each month. This plan simplifies your experience by offering a direct and inclusive billing through us.
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