FAQ: Invoice

Q: Can I make changes to an invoice that has been already issued by your company?

A: Once an invoice has been issued and paid, it's often regarded as a final transaction document. We understand that there might be instances where modifications are needed on an issued invoice. While we aim to accommodate your request, it's essential to note that our payment processing partner, Stripe, does not allow modifications to invoices once they have been issued and settled.

Q: What solution is available if I need changes to an issued invoice?

A: Recognizing the constraints with modifying an already issued invoice, we offer a practical workaround. We can generate a new invoice that includes the necessary adjustments and closely resembles the original document you received. This approach ensures that you have an updated invoice that reflects the accurate details of your transaction.

Q: How can I request a new invoice with the desired changes?

To request a recalibrated invoice:

1. Identify Necessary Adjustments: Pinpoint what needs to be modified from the original invoice. This may include corrections in billing information, name etc.

2. Reach Out to Us: With the details of the required changes at hand, contact our support team at support@appsdowonders.com

3. Wait for Confirmation: We'll acknowledge your request and start crafting a new invoice with your specified modifications, ensuring its accuracy and promptly delivering it to you.

Updating Personal Information

Should personal information updates be necessary after a purchase, these adjustments won't impact invoices already issued. However, they will be reflected in future invoices.

Q: How can I update my personal information after making a purchase?

You can easily update your personal profile by visiting our customer portal. This platform allows you to adjust personal details securely to ensure subsequent invoices match your updated information.

Q: What if I need the invoice issued under my company’s name?

If you require an invoice under your company's name, it's important to input the company’s information during the checkout stage. The “First Name” and “Last Name” fields should contain your company's name. This proactive step ensures that the invoice correctly reflects the intended recipient as your business.

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