Function AI.ASK

The AI.ASK function lets you use AI directly in your spreadsheet. Simply type a question or prompt, and AI.ASK will provide a helpful response. Use it to write text, summarize, analyze data, and moreā€”like having a smart helper in Excel!


  1. Generating a Marketing Tagline:
=AI.ASK("Write a catchy marketing tagline for a new electric bike.")

This prompt asks AI to create an engaging marketing tagline for an electric bike.

  1. Summarizing a Report:
=AI.ASK("Summarize this sales report for the last quarter", A1:P100)

This uses AI to summarize the key points from a sales report in A1:P100 cell range.

  1. Creating a Product Description:
=AI.ASK("Write a detailed product description based on provided list of features for a digital camera.", A1:A10)

This function uses AI to generate a compelling product description based on a list of feature.

  1. Providing Data Insights:
=AI.ASK("What insights can be drawn from the following data set:", A1:P100)

This prompt asks AI to provide key insights from the given data set in A1:P100 cell range.


AI.ASK(prompt, [value], [temperature], [maxTokens], [model]) 
Argument name Description

A text string specifying the question, task, or

analysis to perform. If no range is provided, the function will use contextual

or default data.

Range(optional) The range of cells containing the data to analyze. If omitted, the function relies on the prompt alone for insights. Example: A1:B10.



Controls the creativity of the response, with 0 being the most predictable and 2 being the most random. The default value is 0.



The maximum number of tokens that can be generated in the chat completion.



ID of the model to use. See the supported models page for details.
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