How to cancel or manage your subscription

To manage or cancel your subscription, please identify the payment system you used to subscribe to our service (PayPal or Stripe) and proceed with the instructions below.

PayPal subscription

Here’s how to find your automatic payments, also known as a subscription, on the PayPal website:    

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Payments.
  3. Select Automatic payments.
  4. Select merchant Apps Do Wonders.
  5. Click on Remove PayPal as payment method

Stripe subscription

Stripe customer portal allows you to self-manage payment details, invoices, and subscriptions in one place.

  1. Log in to manage your account
  2. Enter your subscription email and press Send button

  3. Receive customer portal link to your email address
  4. Click on Log in button to login to your customer portal

  5. Click on Cancel plan button like shown on example below

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